
It's not every day I find a product that moves me to write about it, but after using Reaper multi-track recording software for a few years now I am not just a fan...I'm in love with Reaper! Deeply.

Join me now while I wax poetic about this incredible piece of software....

Reaper, How I Love Thee.
Before Reaper I was a die-hard Cakewalk Sonar user. I had been using it since the ancient (1980's) Twelve-tone Cakewalk 3.0 days...back when it was MIDI only (there was no such thing as computer audio recording back then). I remained loyal as the software grew, through all the version of Pro-Audio, and then Sonar - up to version 6.0.

Then Reaper came into my life.

I tried the fully-featured, non-crippled, non-expiring trial version. (That's right...Reaper trusted me, right from the start.) So small. So responsive. So stable. I had never known an audio program could be this way. I was in love. I held tightly to Sonar for a while, tried to deny my feelings, but as time went on our relationship turned cold. The flame was gone. I left Sonar and followed my heart, and I've never been happier.

Reaper gave me all the things Sonar did, and so much more:
  • Fully-featured, pro-level multi-track audio recording.
  • MIDI Functionality.
  • Tight coding - small, stable, and spry.
  • Great routing capabilities.
  • Tons of free VST plug-ins.
  • Copy protection and dongle-free operation.
  • A purchase that gets your free upgrades through two versions.
  • A large user-base with a very helpful forum area.
  • Super frequent updates and bug-fixes.
  • A responsive development team.
And then I learned the cost: $60 for a non-profit user, or  $225 for a commercial license. I was beside myself. Finally, an audio program that understood my needs. Reaper, I love you forever.

A Poem for Reaper
And so, as a token of my love, I compose this poem to Reaper:

In those dark days, before you existed
I cast my affections upon another
I doted

Then you showed me, through gentle trust
That my current software was slow
And bloated

And you so quick, so nimble and spry
With winged feet as Mercury
Won my heart.

And now it beats, anew, aflutter
With each new project
Reaper starts.

In Conclusion
This could be my stupidest post ever. Just check out rocks.


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